Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jack (Chapter 8)

The light is dim.  I can't tell if it's dusk or dawn, but I feel surprisingly refreshed.  More refreshed than I have in a long time.

I smell something delicious and decide to follow the scent.

It takes me down the narrow hallway to a kitchen surrounded by windows.  There is a big island filled with various fruits and vegetables.  Beyond that there is a large dining table surrounded by chairs that don't match.

"Well, dear.  Didn't think we'd see you for several more hours.  You were out like the lights were from that storm."  The voice is coming from Lois.  Her shirt today has a happy frog wearing a bow tie and surrounded by flowers.  She looks as happy as the frog.

"So morning?"

"Mid.  Yes, dear.  You have slept for quite some time.  Didn't think it'd be proper to wake you for dinner when you were sleepin' so soundly.  Feel free to help yourself to some fruits and veggies.  I'll get you some bacon and eggs."  She stops before fully enunciating the 's' at the end of eggs.  "Oh dear, you aren't one a those that don't eat meat, are you?"

I grin out of the corner of my mouth.  "Nah.  I eat meat. And my eggs scrambled."  Admittedly, I prefer organic, but I don't really mind since I'm hungry and this food smells so delicious.

I grab an apple that is juicy than any apple I've ever eaten.  Not even halfway through, Lois slides a plate in front of my face.

"Here, dear.  Hope you like it.  I've gotta run out and start takin' care a the plants with Eunice.  You enjoy and just put your dishes in the sink when you finish.  I'll clean up later."

I knew eggs could be bad, but I didn't know they could be better than just ok. These are soft and flavorful.  Lois even added a touch of cheese. I find that I'm disappointed when the eggs are gone.  The bacon is mildly good in comparison, a little greasy.  However, judging by the stove, most food in this house is probably somewhat greasy.

My wonderful breakfast was flawless, until...

"Oh Jack.  It's so good to see you.  I didn't know if they had you locked up in a closet or something."

As usual, I don't have to look to see who is talking.  The whine with the overwhelming stench of perfume has ruined my last bite of bacon.


"Can you believe this place?  I hardly slept a wink last night.  That storm was almost as frightening as this dingy old house.  I almost felt like sleeping outside would be a better option.  The house rattled every time the thunder struck.  I thought the whole thing would collapse on top of my head."

She continues and I dread that I don't have a clear way to get out of here.  I'm hoping that someone will walk through that door or I can see something through the window that will distract the conversation.  Then she says something.

"What did you just say?"

"Lois, she said we might need some stuff."

"No, that word."

"What word?"

"That word, I've never heard that word before."  This is surprising to me because I do have a large vocabulary and of all the people in the world, I'm shocked that it came from this girl.

"Oh Kudzu?  It's the name of this guy that Lois said we should go see if we need things, like toothpaste or shampoo.  Apparently he runs the only thing close to a store.  It was weird though.  She said 'store' like she was looking for a word that wasn't store, but something more like a shed with shelves.  I won't be surprised if it's infested with roaches.  Ick.  Good thing I'm packed for everything."

Sweet, my out.  "Where did she say to find Kudzu?  I could use some toothpaste and a toothbrush as a matter of fact."

"Oh yeah.  I forgot I could use some lotion.  Let's go together and see if I got the directions right."

Milk Duds.

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